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homepage  American Journal of Criminal Law (University of Texas at Austin ...)
homepage  American Journal of Distance Education (InformaWorld)
homepage  American Journal of Distance Education (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)
homepage  American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse (Marcel Dekker Inc.)
homepage  American Journal of Drug Delivery (ADIS International Limited)
homepage  American Journal of Education (University of Chicago Press)
homepage  American Journal of Electroneurodiagnostic Technology (American Society of Electroneu...)
homepage  American Journal of Epidemiology (American Journal of Epidemiolo...)
homepage  American Journal of Evaluation (Sage Periodicals Inc)
homepage  American Journal of Evaluation (Elsevier Science)
homepage  American Journal of Family Law (Aspen Publishers Inc.)
      American Journal of Family Therapy (Routledge)
homepage  American Journal of Family Therapy (Brunner / Routledge)
homepage  American Journal of Gastroenterology (Elsevier Science)
homepage  American Journal of Health Behavior (PNG Publications)
homepage  American Journal of Health Promotion (American Journal of Health Pro...)
homepage  American Journal of Health Studies (Program in Health Studies)
homepage  American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (American Society of Health Sys...)
homepage  American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (Sage Periodicals Inc)
homepage  American Journal of Human Genetics (University of Chicago Press)
homepage  American Journal of International Law (American Society of Internatio...)
homepage  American Journal of International Law (American Society of Internatio...)
homepage  American Journal of International Law (American Society of Internatio...)
      American Journal of Law & Medicine ("American Society of Law)
homepage  American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine (SAGE PERIODICALS INC)
homepage  American Journal of Mathematics (Johns Hopkins University Press)
homepage  American Journal of Medical Quality (Sage Periodicals Inc)
homepage  American Journal of Medicine (Excerpta Medica Publishing Gro...)
homepage  American Journal of Nursing (American Journal of Nursing Co...)
homepage  American Journal of Ophthalmology (Elsevier Science)

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